Meteor shower to fill weekend skies

 Picture of shooting stars in a night sky

The sky will be filled with shooting stars this weekend thanks to debris from Halley's Comet.
The annual Orionid meteor shower will see around 20 meteors passing through the sky every hour.
The shower is visible throughout the month, but experts say the peak time to view it in the UK will be early on Sunday, between midnight and 03:00 BST.
Astronomer Tom Kerss said the Orionid meteors are known for their "speed and brilliance",
As Halley's Comet passes through the solar system, the sun hits it, allowing particles to break away.
These hurtle towards Earth at the speed of 148,000mph, and we see them as shooting stars.
Mr Kerss, who is based at the Royal Observatory Greenwich, recommended secluded spots with the darkest skies for the best view, but he said not to worry about bringing any equipment.
"There's no advantage to using binoculars or a telescope," he said. "Your eyes are the best tool available for spotting meteors."
"So, relax and gaze up at the sky, and eventually your patience will be rewarded,"
Meteor shower to fill weekend skies Meteor shower to fill weekend skies Reviewed by Admin on October 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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